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“La Cité de Montréal” print by S. H. Maw (1942)

“La Cité de Montréal” print by S. H. Maw (1942)

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There are not more colourful, explanatory, or detailed pictorial maps of a Canadian cities than S. H. Maw’s twin Québec and Montréal maps, and together they are an incredibly pair. This one took Maw three years to draw while he worked as an architecture professor at McGill University. While it was obviously a labour of love it was definitely a commercial object: for decades it was available as a 35x27” tourist map at various Montréal shops. These days, originals can be found but they usually cost several-hundred-dollars if they’re in good condition and not folded into rectangular origami. 

While the map is absolutely crammed with historical notes, a few details in the bottom right of the map draw my attention. There we can find the french version of the disclaimer made on this Québec map: “Cette carte commencée en 1939 et terminée en 1942, west l’oeuvre de M. S. H. Maw. Les dimensions et proportions ne divert pas en être prises à la letter, puisque l’intention de l’auteur n’est que d’amuser et d’istruire.” He also thanks a Dr. Victor Morin and a M. George Mooney “pour leur aide et leur bienveillant interèt.”

The Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada describes Samuel Herbert Maw as “a brilliant delineator, etcher, architect, cartographer and designer,” and before his 1952 death he'd lived everywhere from England to Ontario. He was clearly influenced by the work of British artist MacDonald Gill (best known for his 1914 Wonderground Map of London), but Maw’s creative package included less whimsy and copious historical asides.

A reproduction available at 16x12" or 24x18" on Epson Enhanced Matte 192 gsm paper printed with Epson UltraChrome XD2 archival ink. Sold in an open edition, unframed. Based on this original public domain image held by the Bibliothèque et Archives Nationales du Québec.

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